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School Improvement Plan


Year 1 (2022-2023)

Theory of Action 

The Theory of Action explains the rationale behind the strategic priorities, i.e. how the strategies will move the district forward.

If Pre K - 3 students and staff continue to grow the core competencies of social-emotional wellness and, further, commit themselves to a socially just community, then a safe, inclusive, joyful learning environment will be fostered, one that emphasizes strength of self, demands mutual respect, and embraces diversity.


Actions are the specific activities to be undertaken in each year to progress the key improvement strategies. There may be more than one action for each strategy. Schools will choose to describe actions with different levels of detail.

  • Continue to focus on maintaining implementation of PBIS:  schoolwide goals/initiatives, common lesson plans.

  • PBIS Team participation in Tier I Sustaining Cohort through PBIS Academy.

  • PBIS Team participation in Tier II Academy through PBIS Academy - focusing on Tier II interventions, supports for students who do not/ have not responded to Tier I implementation.

  • Foster home-school partnerships through education.

  • Expand Culturally Responsive Teaching understanding and practices.

  • Work with the building’s BEST and District SEL Director to further build staff capacity to teach Social Emotional competencies across the grade spans.

Measurable Success Criteria

Success criteria are markers of success. They are useful in demonstrating whether the strategies and actions have been successful. Success criteria often reflect observable changes in practice or behavior. To simplify and focus the school’s monitoring of progress, only a limited number of success criteria should be set.

  • Data will support implementation of PBIS practices. 

  • Incorporate Social Justice Standards and Culturally Responsive Teaching “Look-Fors” into our school-wide practices. 

  • PBIS team to lead professional development opportunities on  implementation of school wide expectations and reinforcement system.

  • Surveys of staff/families will determine capacity and progress toward the goal.


GOAL #2 - LITERACY: Written Language

Year 1 (2022-2023)

Theory of action 

The Theory of Action explains the rationale behind the strategic priorities, i.e. how the strategies will move the district forward.

If we provide writing opportunities for students to acquire, develop, and apply broader skills across curriculum areas, then students will expand their written language skills thereby growing their literacy competencies and understandings, while acquiring knowledge as well as conveying knowledge and actively using it.


Actions are the specific activities to be undertaken in each year to progress the key improvement strategies. There may be more than one action for each strategy. Schools will choose to describe actions with different levels of detail.

  • Begin the revision process for the writing curriculum to create a standards-based, cohesive K-3 writing curriculum that incorporates the SRSD (Self-Regulated Strategy Development) framework as well as the discrete skills of writing.

  • Update the use of SRSD strategies and graphic organizers.

  • Provide professional development opportunities for teachers to build instructional capacity for opinion, informative and narrative writing genres.

Measurable Success Criteria

Success criteria are markers of success. They are useful in demonstrating whether the strategies and actions have been successful. Success criteria often reflect observable changes in practice or behavior. To simplify and focus the school’s monitoring of progress, only a limited number of success criteria should be set.

  • ELA (English Language Arts) Director will lead CTLs, teachers, and administrators in monthly meetings to launch the revision of the writing curriculum. At times, this will be grade specific and others vertical to ensure alignment.

  • Provide PLCs with opportunities and guidance to discuss student work and strengthen data based decisions around writing instruction.

  • Revise grade-level Writing Rubrics, establish common assessments, and implement a calibration process to make scoring student work more consistent and more aligned to the standards.

  • Implement daily writing instruction to include flexible, small groups, and embedded cross-curricular opportunities.

Click here for our full School Improvement Plan.